We love to document the many things that happen in the stuttering world. That is why International Stuttering Awareness Day, on the 22nd of October, is so important to us. Many things happen all around the world and it can be difficult to keep track. That is why we want to collect international initiatives undertaken on this day and compile them into one big post. If you want to add to the list, send us a message on Facebook or contact us at stamilymail@gmail.com
ISAD Online Conference
The online conference ran from the 1st through the 22nd of October 2020. Many papers were presented by PWS, including some members of our community. You can read them here. Stamily also did a contribution here.
Stamily initiatives
Stamily produced a social media-campaign with many questions asked to the community, resulting in this experiential FAQ, providing information about stuttering.
The stuttering association “VZW BeSt” organized an exhibition in Ghent, showing the work of creatives who wanted to give insight in the feeling of stuttering. You can read more about it here.
Estonia: three generations of European youth meeting participants on stage – By Hardi Sigus

The Venue
The Estonian Stuttering Association celebrated Stuttering Awareness Day by showing Ryan Gielen’s movie ‘My Beautiful Stutter’ at a local cinema. The movie was great – some tears were shed and some painful memories from the past were revised. After the screening there was a 40-minute Q&A about personal experiences, stuttering and movie.

What made the Q&A special was that on stage there were three generations of European Youth Meeting participants. Hardi, now already a proficient stutterer, participated in the meeting of 1996. Ermo, representing the middle way, participated in 2007 and Lea participated in 2019. As said in the movie, the youth camps for people who stutter lay the foundation to love oneself in your future life. This truly shows the importance of youth meetings as besides some empty bottles of wine, silly games played and karaoke singed, changed attitudes are taken back into real life.

Finland – By Liana Hossain
I got the opportunity to be on the Finnish Oulu Region Radio morning broadcast in honor of international stuttering awareness day! During this broadcast we talked about remote working and stuttering. How can employers be more accessible to their stuttering employees and tips on how to better communicate with people who have stutter.
It was an honor to be able to talk about stuttering in such a wide level and I’m very grateful for Yle for letting me be part of their broadcast.
